........शिशिर कृष्ण शर्मा
(‘बीते हुए दिन’ के अभिन्न अंग श्री गजेन्द्र खन्ना द्वारा संचालित वेबसाईट www.anmolfankaar.com में सर्वप्रथम प्रकाशित|)

‘प्रभात फ़िल्म कंपनी’ की स्थापना वी.शांताराम और उनके चार साथियों, विष्णुपंत दामले, शेख फ़त्तेलाल, केशवराव धायबर और सीताराम बी.कुलकर्णी ने मिलकर की थी। शांताराम, दामले, फ़त्तेलाल और धायबर साईलेंट फ़िल्मों के ज़माने में मशहूर चित्रकार और फ़िल्मकार बाबूराव पेंटर की कोल्हापुर स्थित ‘महाराष्ट्र फ़िल्म कंपनी’ में काम करते थे। इन चारों ने साल 1929 में ‘महाराष्ट्र फ़िल्म कंपनी’ से इस्तीफ़ा देने के बाद कोल्हापुर के मशहूर कारोबारी सीताराम बी.कुलकर्णी द्वारा दी गयी आर्थिक मदद से और उनकी पार्टनरशिप में ‘प्रभात फ़िल्म कंपनी’ की नींव रखी थी। संस्था के प्रतीकचिह्न (लोगो) के तौर पर, महाराष्ट्र की संस्कृति में महत्वपूर्ण स्थान रखने वाला वाद्य ‘तुतारी’ (तुरही) बजाती हुई स्त्री को चुना गया था।







1930 के दशक में ‘अमृत मंथन’ (1934), ‘चन्द्रसेना’, ‘धर्मात्मा’ (दोनों 1935), ‘राजपूत रमणी’, ‘अमर ज्योति’ (दोनों 1936) और ‘दुनिया न माने’ और ‘वहां’ (दोनों 1937) जैसी सफल और उद्देश्यपूर्ण फिल्मों का निर्माण करके ‘प्रभात फ़िल्म कंपनी’ अपने दौर की अग्रणी कंपनियों में जगह बना चुकी थी। हिंदी और मराठी में बनी ‘अमृतमंथन’ को आज भी चन्द्रमोहन के, तो ‘दुनिया न माने’ (मराठी में ‘कुंकु’) को शांता आप्टे के शानदार अभिनय के लिए याद किया जाता है। फ़िल्म ‘दुनिया न माने’ में शांता आप्टे का गाया अंग्रेज़ी गीत ‘इन द वर्ल्ड्स ब्रॉडफ़ील्ड ऑफ़ बैटल’ संभवत: भारतीय सिनेमा में अपनी तरह का पहला प्रयोग था। ‘चन्द्रसेना’ का निर्माण हिंदी और मराठी के अलावा तमिल में भी किया गया था। लेकिन उसी दौरान कंपनी के पार्टनरों के बीच मतभेद उभरने लगे और साल 1937 में केशवराव धायबर ने ‘प्रभात’ से अलग होकर ‘जयश्री सिनेटोन’ की स्थापना कर ली।

धायबर के अलग हो जाने के बावजूद ‘प्रभात’ के बैनर में ‘गोपालकृष्ण’ (1938), ‘मेरा लड़का’ (मराठी – ‘माझा बाळ’ / 1938), ‘आदमी’ (मराठी – ‘माणुस’ / 1939), संत ज्ञानेश्वर (1940) और ‘पड़ोसी’ (मराठी – ‘शेजारी’ / 1941) जैसी स्तरीय और सफल फ़िल्में बनती रहीं। साल 1939 में धायबर की जगह ‘प्रभात’ की फ़िल्मों के वितरक बाबूराव पै बतौर पार्टनर आ गए थे। लेकिन सही मायनों में इस बैनर की फ़िल्मों के स्तर और सफलताओं के पीछे सबसे बड़ा हाथ वी.शांताराम जैसे उत्कृष्ट फ़िल्मकार का था। ‘प्रभात’ के बैनर में साल 1932 से साल 1941 के बीच बनी कुल 16 टॉकी फ़िल्मों में से 11 का निर्देशन वी.शांताराम ने किया था। ‘प्रभात’ की फ़िल्मों के स्तर में तब गिरावट आनी शुरू हुई जब फ़िल्म ‘पड़ोसी’ के निर्देशन के बाद वी.शांताराम ने भी इस संस्था को अलविदा कह दिया। साल 1942 में उन्होंने मुंबई के लालबाग के इलाक़े में स्थित ‘वाडिया मूवीटोन’ का स्टूडियो किराए पर लेकर ‘राजकमल कलामंदिर’ की नींव रखी।

वी.शांताराम के अलग होने के बाद ‘प्रभात’ के बैनर में ‘संत-सखू (1941), ‘दस बजे’ (1942), ‘नयी कहानी’ (1943), ‘चांद’, ‘रामशास्त्री’ (दोनों 1944), ‘लाखारानी’ (1945), ‘गोकुल’, ‘हम एक हैं’ (दोनों 1946), ‘आगे बढ़ो’, ‘सीधा रास्ता’ (दोनों 1947), ‘संत तुकाराम’ (1948), ‘अपराधी’ और ‘संत जनाबाई’ (दोनों 1949) जैसी फ़िल्में बनीं। साल 1948 में हिंदी में बनी ‘संत तुकाराम’ इसी नाम से साल 1936 में मराठी में बनी फ़िल्म का रीमेक थी। लेकिन डी.डी.कश्यप द्वारा निर्देशित ‘नयी कहानी’ और गजानन जागीरदार द्वारा निर्देशित ‘रामशास्त्री’ को छोड़कर अन्य कोई भी फ़िल्म ख़ास कमाल नहीं दिखा पायीं।
फ़िल्म ‘चांद’ से भारतीय सिनेमा के इतिहास की पहली संगीतकार जोड़ी ‘हुस्नलाल-भगतराम’ और अभिनेत्री बेगमपारा ने करियर की शुरूआत की थी तो गुरूदत्त ने ‘लाखारानी’ (1945) और देवआनंद ने ‘हम एक हैं’ (1946) से हिंदी सिनेमा में कदम रखा था। ‘हम एक हैं’ निर्देशक प्यारेलाल संतोषी के करियर की भी पहली फ़िल्म थी। इसके अलावा गायिका-अभिनेत्री मंजु और उनके गायक-अभिनेता भाई बालकराम ने भी ‘प्रभात’ की फ़िल्मों से ही बतौर बालकलाकार अपना करियर शुरू किया था।
1940 के दशक में लगातार असफल होती फ़िल्मों की वजह से ‘प्रभात फ़िल्म कंपनी’ के हालात बिगड़ते चले गए और साल 1949 में बनी हिंदी-मराठी द्विभाषी फ़िल्म ‘संत जनाबाई’ अपने दौर के इस प्रतिष्ठित बैनर की आख़िरी फ़िल्म साबित हुई। साल 1952 में ‘प्रभात स्टूडियो’ समेत इस संस्था की तमाम संपत्ति को नीलाम कर दिया गया। साल 1929 से 1949 के बीच के दो दशकों में 6 साईलेंट, 29 हिंदी, 20 मराठी और 2 तमिल फ़िल्मों का निर्माण करने वाली संस्था ‘प्रभात फ़िल्म कंपनी’ अब भले ही इतिहास का हिस्सा बन चुकी हो लेकिन ‘प्रभात स्टूडियो’ की जगह पर खड़ा ‘फ़िल्म एंड टेलिविज़न इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ़ इंडिया’ आज भी भविष्य के फ़िल्मकारों को तराशने का काम पूरी शिद्दत के साथ कर रहा है।
(विशेष : ‘फ़िल्म एंड टेलिविज़न इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ़ इंडिया’ द्वारा ‘प्रभात फ़िल्म कंपनी’ के समय की कुछ इमारतों और शूटिंग फ्लोर को आज भी उनके मूलरूप में सहेजकर रखा गया है| इन्हीं इमारतों में से एक में, तीन कमरों में ‘प्रभात म्यूज़ियम’ स्थित है जिसमें ‘प्रभात’ की फिल्मों में इस्तेमाल किये गए कपड़े, तीर-तलवार-बख्तर-ढाल जैसे तमाम हथियार, मूर्तियां, वाद्य और मटके, सुराही, थाली, परात, गिलास जैसे घरेलू सामान के अलावा ‘प्रभात’ के सभी भागीदारों, कलाकारों और फ़िल्मों की तस्वीरें और पोस्टर इत्यादि रखे गए हैं|

Mr. D.B. Samant, Mr. Harish Raghuvanshi & Mr. Harmandir
Singh ‘Hamraz’ for their valuable suggestion, guidance and
Mr. Gajendra Khanna for the editing of English translation of the write up.
Manaswi Sharma for the technical support including video
Prabhat Film Company on YT Channel BHD
“Neend Hamaari Khwaab Tumhare” - Prabhat Film Company
...........Shishir Krishna Sharma
(First published in www.anmolfankaar.com founded by Mr.Gajendra Khanna, an integral part of the
blog ‘Beete Hue Din’.)
Among the ace film companies
viz. ‘New Theatre’ & ‘Madan Theatre’ of Kolkata and ‘Ranjit Movietone’,
‘Bombay Talkies’ & ’Wadia Movietone’ of Mumbai during the 1930s, another respectable name was of the ‘Prabhat
Film Company’ of Pune which is still remembered for its contribution of more
than 50 meaningful movies to the history of India Cinema. Not
only the first Marathi talkie was produced by the ‘Prabhat Film Company’ but
the first music composer duo of Hindi Cinema named ‘Husnlal Bhagatram’, director
Pyarelal Santoshi and actors Dev Anand, Guru Dutt & Begumpara were also the
products of the same company. First Indian movie to have won the ‘Best Movie
Award’ in Venice Film Festival in the year 1937 titled ‘Sant Tukaram’ was
also produced in Marathi under the banner of ‘Prabhat’.
‘Prabhat Film Company’ was founded by V.Shantaram and 4 of his companions named
Vishnupant Damle, Sheikh Fattelal, Keshavrao Dhaibar and Sitaram B.Kulkarni.
Shantaram, Damle, Fattelal and Dhaibar worked with the Kolhapur based
‘Maharashtra Film Company’ owned by renowned painter and filmmaker Baburao
Painter in the era of silent films. They all resigned from ‘Maharashtra Film
Company’ in the year 1929 and founded ‘Prabhat Film Company’ with financial help
from Kolhapur’s ace businessman Sitaram B.Kulkarni who also joined them as a
partner in the newly founded film company. A woman playing Trombone (Turahi /
Tutari), an instrument which has a close relation with Maharashtrian culture
was chosen as the logo of the organization.
‘Gopal Krishna’ was the first
movie made under this banner in the year 1929 which was directed by V.
Shantaram and the actors were Suresh, Kamla Devi, Anant Apte, and Bajar Battoo.
Later, 5 more silent movies viz. ‘Udaykal’, ‘Khooni Khanjar’,
‘Rani Sahiba’ (all 1930), ‘Zulm’ and ‘Chandrasdena’ (both 1931) were made under the banner of
‘Prabhat’. ‘Udaykal’ and ‘Chandrasdena’
were directed by V.Shantaram, ‘Zulm’ by Keshav Rao Dhaibar whereas ‘Khooni Khanjar’
and ‘Rani Sahiba’ were directed by V.Shantaram-Dhaibar duo. V.Shantaram also
acted in ‘Udaykal’.
The first talkie movie made
under the banner of ‘Prabhat’ was a 1932 release ‘Ayodhya Ka Raja’.
Apart from Hindi, this was simultaneously made in Marathi language with the
title ‘Ayodhyecha Raja’ which was Marathi’s first talkie. This bilingual movie
was directed by V.Shantaram with Pandit Gobind Rao Tembe as composer and Durga
Khote, Master Vinayak, Gobind Rao Tembe, Babu Rao Pendharkar and Nimbalkar in
the main roles. Actress Nanda is the daughter of the same Master Vinayak.
Originally founded in
Kolhapur, ‘Prabhat’ was shifted to Pune in 1932. In the same year i.e. 1932, two more bilinguals ‘Jalti
Nishani’ (‘Agni Kankan’ in Marathi) and ‘Maya Machhinder’ were made under the
banner of ‘Prabhat’. This banner produced colour movie ‘Sairandhri’ and Tamil
movie ‘Seetha Kalyanam’ in the year 1933. ‘Sairandhri’ was the 2nd colour movie made in India
though this effort proved to be a technical failure due to the mixing of
colours during the developing of the prints.
Earlier the ‘Madan Theatre’ at
Kolkata had produced ‘Bilwa Mangal’ in the year 1932 which was the first colour
movie ever made in India. Since both ‘Bilwa Mangal’ and ‘Sairandhri’s
postproduction was done out of India, technically they are not considered as Indian
movies in totality. The movie which is considered as the First Indian Colour
Movie was ‘Kisan Kanya’ made under the banner of ‘Imperial Film Company’ in the
year 1937 as this was shot, developed and completed in India only.
‘Prabhat Film Company’ successfully
produced movies with a social message like ‘Amrit Manthan’ (1934), ‘Chandrasena’, ‘Dharmatma’
(both 1935), ‘Rajpoot Ramani’, ‘Amar Jyoti’ (both 1936), ‘Duniya Na Mane’ and
‘Wahaan’ (both 1937) in the 1930s and made a place of its own among the leading companies
of its time.
Hindi-Marathi bilingual ‘Amrit
Manthan’ and ‘Duniya Na Mane’ (‘Kunku’ in Marathi) are still remembered for the
respective magnificent performances by Chandramohan and Shanta Apte. An English song ‘in the world’s broad field
of battle’ sung by Shanta Apte in ‘Duniya Na Mane’ was probably the first ever
experiment of its kind in Indian Cinema. ‘Chandrasena’ was a
Hindi-Marathi-Tamil trilingual movie. But at the same time, differences started
arising among partners which resulted into the parting of ways by Keshav Rao
Dhaibar who eventually left ‘Prabhat’ in the year 1937 and founded ‘Jaishri Cinetone’.
Even after Dhaibar’s
departure, production of successful and good movies like ‘Gopal Krishna’ (1938), ‘Mera Ladka’ (Marathi-‘Majha
Baal’/1938), ‘Aadmi’ (Marathi-‘Manus’/1939), ‘Sant Gyaneshwar’ (1940) and ‘Padosi’ (Marathi-‘Shejari’/1941) continued under the banner of
‘Prabhat’. In the year 1939, distributor of ‘Prabhat’ movies Babu Rao Pai joined the
company as partner in place of Dhaibar. But truly the main contribution behind
the success and high level of movies made under this banner was that of excellent
film maker V.Shantaram who directed 11 out of 16 talkies made under the banner
of ‘Prabhat’ during 1932 and 1941. Deterioration of ‘Prabhat’ movies started after
V.Shantaram bid adieu to this organization after the film ‘Padosi’. He got on
rent Mumbai’s Lalbaug area based ‘Wadia Movietone’s studio and founded
‘Rajkamal Kalamandir’ there in 1942.
After V.Shantaram’s parting
ways, movies ‘Sant Sakhu’ (1941), ‘Das Baje’ (1942), ‘Nai Kahani’ (1943), ‘Chaand’, ‘Ramshastri’ (both
1944), ‘Lakharani’ (1945), ‘Gokul’, ‘Hum Ek Hain’ (1946), ‘Aage Badho’, ‘Seedha Rasta’
(both 1947), ‘Sant Tukaram’ (1948), ‘Apradhi’ and ‘Sant Janabai’
(both 1949) were made under the banner of ‘Prabhat’. Made in Marathi
in the year 1936 ‘Sant Tukaram’ was remade in Hindi in the year 1948. But except D.D.Kashyap directed ‘Nai Kahani’ and Gajanan
Jagirdar directed ‘Ram Shastri’, none of the movies could put an impression on
the ticket window.
The first composer duo of
Indian Cinema ‘Husnlal Bhagatram’ debuted from ‘Chaand’ (1944) and so did actress Begumpara.
Gurudutt and Dev Anand started their acting career respectively with ‘Lakharani’
(1945) and ‘Hum Ek Hain (1946). Director Pyarelal Santoshi also debuted with ‘Hum Ek
Hain. Apart from this, actress-singer Manju and her actor-singer brother
Balakram too started their careers as child artistes with ‘Prabhat’ movies.
‘Prabhat Film Company’s circumstances uncontrollably
deteriorated due to the continuous failure of its movies made in the 1940s and the 1949 release Hindi-Marathi
bilingual ‘Sant Janabai’ proved to be the last production of this respectable
banner. In the year 1952, all the properties of this organization including the
‘Prabhat Studio’ were auctioned. ‘Prabhat Film Company’ produced 6 Silent, 29 Hindi, 20 Marathi and 2 Tamil movies in the 2 decades between 1929 and 1949. Though the ace banner of its
time has now become history, ‘The Film & Television Institute of India’
(FTII) standing in place of ‘Prabhat Studio’ is doing an amazing job of carving
the careers of ‘would be’ film makers today.
(Special Note : ‘Film and television institute
of India’ has preserved some of the buildings and shooting floors from the
times of ‘Prabhat Film Company’ in their original state to this day. Situated
in 3 rooms of one such building is ‘Prabhat Museum’, which is home to clothes,
weapons like arrows, swords, armors and shields, statues, musical instruments,
domestic appliances such as pots, jugs, plates, platters and glasses, all used
in Prabhat movies. Along with this it also has photographs and posters of all
his partners, actors and movies on display.
All five partners of ‘Prabhat Film Company’ used to stay in the bungalows located in ‘Prabhat lane’ which is situated right opposite ‘Film and television institute of India’. Out of these, 3rd and 4th generations of Vishnupant Damle, Shaikh Fattelaal and Sitaram B Kulkarni stay in those bungalows to this day whereas V. Shantaram and Keshavrav Dhaibar’s bungalows have been replaced by multistory buildings. Their names, year of birth, year of death and a summary of the time they spent in these bungalows is mentioned on the boards outside their respective bungalows/ buildings.)